Facing it
Training in vigilance, prevention, and protection against the terrorist threat

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Training in vigilance, prevention, and protection against the terrorist threat
The content is created by agents from the General Secretariat for Defense and National Security (SGDSN) in collaboration with ministries, services, and professional representatives of relevant economic activities, ensuring the authenticity of the information provided in the various modules.
Completing a module takes about 30 to 40 minutes for the user. The platform consists of three modules, requiring a total of approximately 2 hours.
Each unit includes: an introductory video, a written presentation with various educational animations, a quiz, and additional resources available for free consultation.
The first two modules are intended for the general public. The third module is specifically aimed at professionals, such as managers of public access buildings (ERP), event organizers, and local elected officials.
The quality of the educational content available on this platform lies in its relevance to current events. The platform is therefore regularly updated based on changes in current affairs (regulatory, technical, etc.).
It is not possible to export the data in a format deployable on another platform.
The videos presented at the introduction of each module and unit are not downloadable.
The platform provides a certificate of completion after completing the first two modules for the general public and all three modules for professionals, upon progressive validation of the different units.
To validate a module, the user must achieve a score of at least 80% across all units.
To obtain the certificate of completion, all units of the first two modules for the general public or all three modules for professionals must be validated. If a user fails to validate one or more units, thus not successfully completing the platform, they can revisit these units and retake the quizzes.
The certificate of completion will be downloadable from the platform.
The VIGIPIRATE awareness platform is not accredited. Users can only demonstrate their knowledge acquisition within their professional environment on a personal basis.
The certificate is issued without a validity period. It attests, as of a specific date, to the user's completion of the MOOC content and success in each evaluation, with at least 80% correct answers per module.
No, it is not possible to modify the name and surname indicated when the certificate is issued. This is why users are asked to confirm multiple times before launching this operation, which is irreversible for an account.
The site requires the collection of data necessary for the management of this service (name, surname, username, password, and email address). The processing of data is intended to manage the services offered to registered users, including registration and authentication, as well as the issuance of certificates of completion.
The processing of personal data complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The VIGIPIRATE awareness platform is intended for the general public as well as professionals such as managers of public access buildings (ERP), event organizers, and local elected officials.
The goal of this platform is to develop a shared culture of security among the widest audience. Everyone can begin or deepen their knowledge of the terrorist threat and the VIGIPIRATE plan.
The platform can be used independently from the age of 15, with younger users requiring a tailored approach.
Each module is accessible for three years from its online release date (September 20, 2019). The modules are available continuously during these three years, without access limits. Users can therefore complete all modules at their own pace and revisit units if necessary.
All modules are and will remain free for all users.
If you forget your password, click on "Forgot password." This action will generate a password reset link sent to your email address. This link is valid for 24 hours.
If you have any questions, you can send an email to: courrier.sgdsn@sgdsn.gouv.fr. For technical issues, your question will be forwarded to the technical teams.
General Secretariat for Defense and National Security (SGDSN)
51, Boulevard de la
75700 Paris 07 SP France
Email: courrier.sgdsn@sgdsn.gouv.fr
Claire Landais, Secretary General for Defense and National Security.
The hosting of this website is provided by OVH
Simplified joint-stock company registered with the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register
under number 424 761 419 00045
Head office located at 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix
The awareness platform for the terrorist threat XXX.gouv.fr (hereinafter referred to as the "site") is a personal data processing system managed by the General Secretariat for Defense (SGDSN).
The processing is aimed at managing the services offered to users registered on the site.
It allows the SGDSN to:
Article 6 (1) a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The data subject has given consent for the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes.
Categories of processed data:
This information is collected from the user of the site.
The site requires the mandatory collection of data necessary for the management of this service.
The processing does not involve automated decision-making.
The data processing concerns:
Depending on their respective needs, the recipients of all or part of the data are SGDSN staff and the service provider managing the site.
No data transfers outside the European Union are conducted.
The training associated with the site lasts for one (1) year. Personal data collected is retained for up to one (1) year after the end of the training.
Security measures are implemented in accordance with the information system security policy (PSSI) of the SGDSN, derived from the State's PSSI.
You can access and obtain a copy of your data, object to the processing of this data, have it corrected, or have it deleted. You also have the right to restrict the processing of your data.
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) of the SGDSN is your contact for any requests to exercise your rights concerning this processing.
In accordance with current regulations on personal data protection, any individual may request access to and, if necessary, correction, deletion, or opposition to the processing of their data. You can exercise these rights in several ways:
Any request to exercise rights must be accompanied by a photocopy of a valid ID.
If you believe, after contacting us, that your data rights are not being respected, you can file a complaint with the CNIL.
Hyperlinks to the homepage or sections of the SGDSN website are authorized.
Links to content (including images) whose dissemination and reproduction are authorized under the "intellectual property" section, unless otherwise stated, are also permitted.
Additionally, pages from the SGDSN website must not be embedded within the pages of another website (framing).
In any case, establishing a link to the SGDSN website does not imply endorsement by SGDSN of the linking site's content.